Friday, May 8, 2009

The Middle Child

Jack is our first born and the only boy. Abbey and Caroline are twins, need I say more? It would be easy for Molly to get lost in the shuffle as the middle child. She is such a precious girl, and I would hate for her to ever feel unimportant. I want to learn to be intentional about making her feel special. So, let me devote this post to her. Isn't she growing up so big and pretty?

She loves wearing dresses. This is one of her favorites.

She is very much into her friends lately. Her three favorites are Cheyenne, Adisyn and Carly. When I go to pick her up from preschool I see her on the playground holding one of their hands. I have talked to these girl's mothers and they say that their daughters love Molly. It is mutual. Here are some pictures of her with her friends:

Molly had a great time with Adisyn at the zoo. Don't you love Molly's pose? So girlie.

Adisyn had a cowboy themed birthday party. Cheyenne was there, so it was doubly fun for Molly.

Her whole class had an Easter egg hunt. Carly is on the left side of the photo and Adisyn is on the right. Of course, Molly is in the middle of it all.

Carly's big sister plays on a ball team that competes against Jack's team. So, when Carly doesn't have her own game, then she and Molly get to hang out while their older siblings battle it out.

In addition to friends, Molly likes playing guessing games. ""Is the green ring in my left hand or my right hand?" "Am I going to give you a kiss on your left cheek or your right cheek?" And on it goes. She still loves to look at books and have me read to her. Almost daily, she colors me Strawberry Shortcake pictures and tapes them to my bedroom wall. She loves Jack and playing with him outside and she loves her baby sisters. Sometimes her love is a bit much for them, but they take it in stride. They are going to be tough little girls.

Molly is a delight!