Friday, August 6, 2010

Back to School

Going back to school for Jack has been a delight. It is old hat for him, and he hasn't missed a beat. He likes his teacher, Ms. Patti, and to my surprise knows most of the kids in his class. There are only three students (all girls) that were in his class last year, but he knows his other classmates from just being around last year. I am eager to watch him learn as the material becomes more challenging. I just don't know what to do with the quiet house.

Off to School

I started to title this post, "Back to School." Then I realized that wouldn't be accurate. Molly isn't "back to school," rather, she is starting school. If you remember that in February, we decided to start Molly in kindergarten this year. Today was her first day.

Over the summer she wasn't very excited about the idea and focused on how much she would miss me. Buying a Tinkerbell lunch box, a hot pink water bottle and a light pink backpack with a monogrammed, cursive M on it made all the difference. This morning she snuggled with me and told me how excited she was to be going to school "like Jack". Today was just a testing day, and she won't go to meet her teacher and classmates for another week. But, the first day is behind us. She had a great day and told me she had already made a new friend. I found it ironic that her new friend, "Valerie" shares a name with one of Molly's imaginary friends. I am pretty sure that this time, "Valerie" is a real girl.

Back Again

So, I've taken a five month hiatus from my blog. But, I haven't abandoned the idea. I still want family and friends to be able to keep up with our lives across the miles. It has been a busy spring and summer and things have gotten more complicated as Abbey and Caroline have grown in their abilities. They are all over the house, climbing on furniture and bringing me books with commands to, "Read". So, time for blogging has been hard to come by. But, I'll start again and see how it goes. Maybe I'll even have time to post pictures from the two weddings we were able to participate in. Or, maybe not. :o)