Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Admission, Pre-Op and Plans for Tomorrow

Abbey has done great today. She has been happy and not too slow to warm up to all the strangers she has seen. We’ve interacted with several nurses, a nutritionist, the social worker and the nurse practitioner. Everyone has really focused their attention on her and given her time to warm up to them. There is no rush to see her and move on. They are giving great personal care.

We have gotten to play in the play room and around the playground. Ed has even gotten to do a bit of Wii bowling. We have eaten our meals in the cafeteria, and they have been helpful in providing food that suits Abbey’s tastes.

We get the double occupancy room to ourselves, since she is an infant. I’m not quite sure why they do it that way, but I am glad we don’t have to worry about her cries bothering a neighbor. Plus we have room to spread out. Sadly, I don’t get to use the extra bed that is sitting empty on the other side of the room, but am consigned to the pull out chair.

Tomorrow things will start around 6:15ish. Thankfully, she is the first on the schedule. The plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist will each come to check in with us. We will have to sign consents. They will probably take her to be prepped at about 6:45. They said that she will be prepped and ready to begin surgery by about 7:30. It should take 2.5 hours or so.

They will be “freeing up the muscles and tissue” that she already has. They will repair the nasal mucosa (tissue that is the floor of the nasal cavity), reconnect the muscles of the soft palate, and repair the oral mucosa. She will be in the ICU tomorrow night.

We will keep you updated. Thanks so much for your concern, love and prayers!

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