Monday, October 12, 2009

Chicago Plans

Well, the plans are coming together to take Abbey to Shriner's Hospital for her palate repair at the end of this month. This morning, I talked with our local Shriner and firmed up the travel details. They are going to reimburse us for our gas, and Ed is going to drive us up. This takes a bit of the pressure off, as we don't have to worry about an upset baby making the trip miserable for two other folks (if she cries, that is). It is a nine hour drive without stops. We have no idea what it will be like trying to drive back with her after the surgery. It could be a nightmare, or the pain meds could make her sleep most of the way.

Ed will be a saying at a Ronald McDonald house for all four nights. Abbey and I will be with him the first night and then in the hospital the other three nights. I am really amazed at the Ronald McDonald house. The photo tour of it looks so nice. It only costs $10 per night and volunteers often bring food for supper. You can bet I'll be putting my spare change in the collection bin next time I am at McDonalds! Our local Shriners are going to pay for Ed's lodging and for my meals in the hospital. So, we shouldn't have very much out of pocket expense.

Both my mom and Ed's mom are planning to come help care for the other three kids while we are gone. This is a huge help to us and our family. Originally we were planning for Ed to stay home, but the compassionate elders at our church encouraged Ed to go with me and Abbey. From what I have read about other moms' experiences with the surgery, I think that was so wise of the elders. It is a huge relief to me to not have to deal with the emotional stress of it all by myself. So, Mom and MaryAnn are going to drive from SC and be here a whole week.

Our family started a self-imposed quarantine last week. If Abbey even has the least little bit of a cold, then we will have to reschedule everything. So, we want to do the best we can to stay well. Jack is still going to school, of course, and Molly gets to go to her ballet class. We are cutting out everything else and staying home as much as possible. I did get out to eat lunch with some other pastor's wives last week and I have a women's meeting at church on Tuesday, so I'm not going stir crazy, thankfully. I am not feeling great, though. I hope it is just allergies and not a cold or the start of something else. I'd love it if you'd pray for the health of our family--especially Abbey, Ed and me. Thanks.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Sounds like everything is falling into place. Will pray for no sickness. Hopefully we can catch up soon! Miss you!